11. What are your total expenses each month for: Food: 100 Tala ($40 US) Clothing: 45 Tala ($18 US) Household goods: 30 Tala ($12 US) Luxury items: 25 Tala ($10 US) 12. What is your family's energy consumption and cost? Electricity: $4-5/month Water: $19/year 13. How much waste do you generate; and how does your family dispose of its waste? We feed food scraps to the pigs and chickens. We dug a pit for garbage, but most of it is thrown on the ground outside the cooking fale (house). 14. Does your family buy, produce, or sell foreign goods? We sell our handicrafts to tourists within our country (mostly foreigners) and buy products of the Palagi (foreigners). Family Possessions 15. What is each family member's most valued possession? Why? Faaleo: Traditional mats she has woven that are put down for guests and relatives to sit on. Auseuga: Pigs that we have for feasts for guests. Laufafa: The radio so she can hear what is happening in the country. She also listens if money is coming from relatives in New Zealand or other parts of the world. (Banks broadcast the information when money is wired.) Alatupe: Knife which he carries everyday and considers a most useful tool. Teuila: Volleyball. Fuao: Knife for cooking and cutting grass. Uiti: "Weed-eater" which makes cutting grass easier and faster. (It used to take one week, now it takes 3 hours.) 16. What other possessions would you like to acquire? We would like to have a television.